Saturday, August 6, 2011

Root of The Soul

"By his sense of smell (his 'holy spirit') the Mashiach will know how to connect each Jewish soul to its Divine root, and thereby identify its tribe (branch) in Israel."

<> } MellowWolf Notes:  Reflections on 'root of soul'

If we say that the root of the soul is in the place prior to the Tzimtzum, is this to say that it is in the place prior to creation?

But is this to say something other than that which Paul says, that all things were created in Christ/Mashiach?

Language itself is challenged in this question.

Here is also where we see that it is impossible to truly speak about the precise relationship between God and the word of God, between God and Mashiach.  There are two reasons for this.  First it is the fallen mind that cannot think or speak of truth on a level that there can be no shadow.  Second it was forbidden to Adam to do this.  Rectification must be in intentionally not attempting to do this.

When we attempt to speak precisely of the relationship of the Father and the Son we stop the rectification of Adam's disobedience.

If someone says that their heart knows what it means when it says that the Jewish soul is an aspect of God and therefore can say this in  public, this person must take responsibility for the fact that to the fallen mind of Adam they are saying that the Jewish soul is not actually created but merely incarnated within creation.  It is no differernt than the Christian who says that Jesus is God.  They may think that their heart knows what it means but the fallen mind of Adam can only agree with them by conceiving idolatry.

How is it then possible to even talk about this at all?  That both Judaism and Christianity are prone to talk about this, each in their own way, says that even if they do not understand one another their hearts are drawn to the same place.  But what is that place and is it possible to talk about it more clearly, so that all those who are drawn to it may understand one another clearly?

There is a way, which we know, because the Bible speaks about this place of the Jewish soul of Mashiach before the Tzimtzum, and we know that in the Bible and in its language there is no idolatry.  One way that the Bible speaks about this in in terms of the firstborn and the secret of the firstborn.

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