I am asked, do you believe in the doctrine of the Trinity?
I respond, Let me ask you a question, so that I am sure I understand what it is that you are thinking when you ask this question.
When you read that The Word become flesh, how do you understand this? Did the Word become flesh or was his body only a garment? When his body was raised from the dead, was it a mere garment that was raised?
For it is written, The LORD God breathed into his nostrils and he became a living soul. Since Adam, the first human, became a living soul through the unity of the body and the spirit, how do you understand the Messiah to have become a living soul?
Was only the spirit divine or was the body also divine? Or how do you say that also the human soul, which lives through the union of body and spirit, in Mashiach was the Word of God?
If the Word did not actually become flesh but only put on the body like an article of clothing, if Mashiach is not the Word of God being human in both spirit and body, what does it mean to you to say that the Word became flesh and lived among us? If the body of Mashiach is not both human and divine at once, how is Mashiach a living human soul and the son of Adam at all, and how is it that the human soul and body were raised as one from the dead?
So then, when you ask if I believe in the doctrine of the Trinity, are you asking if I believe that the human soul of Mashiach is a member of the Trinity?
I would ask you a further question. Do you believe that the Messiah of Israel is one root soul of all Israel?
If you do, does your understanding of the Trinity illuminate this relationship? Ought we to speak of things that are over our heads?
Will the day come when it is brought to light that Christians have killed one another, either literally or socially, over concepts of God that they never even should have tried to speak about? For there is no way to come to the Father except through the revelation of the Mashiach of Israel, our soul, which revelation is yet to be made fully known in all creation.
Then the knowledge of the God of Israel will fill the earth like the waters fill the oceans. Then no one will challenge their neighbor, questioning them and threatening them, saying, Do you know the true doctrine of God?